
A collection of our completed works for those who are curious about what we are working on.

Neked Főztem - Website

Neked Főztem - Website

27 February 2024 Websites

Project Details

The growing popularity of Neked Főztem gastropub is a true success story. The founders were only planning to open a beach buffet, but their attitude towards the food - only using fresh, local ingredients, never using frozen products, and not selling sugary drinks - made them grow into a unique gastropub in just a year. We’ve developed the website for this magical gastro-oasis, so now reservations and contacting the managers are only a few clicks away.

Motor: Wordpress
Time: 2 months 
Link: www.nekedfoztem.com

Our company carries out development work for our clients in the Hungarian and international markets, from simple websites through mobile and web applications to the world of web3, where we already have experience in all areas of crypto.




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